Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To Be or Not To Be... Thirsty

Have you ever gone throughout your day, busy with work or studies, and looked at the time and realize that you forgot to eat or drink anything all day? This seems to happen to me fairly frequently. I get caught up in getting something done and simply forget about everything else. As I've thought about this phenomenon I've wondered how does this happen. Why don't I feel hungry or thirsty when I get rapped up in something? My body should still need food and water to function like any other day so why isn't it reminding me to eat or drink?


Part of the reason that you can go for hours or sometimes a whole day without drinking is that thirst is a delayed response to dehydration. As your body becomes dehydrated it takes a while (anywhere from 1/2 hour to several hours) for it to signal to the brain that it is dehydrated. Even after you become thirsty, you still have to stop what you are doing and takes time to find something to drink (which prolongs the dehydration even further).

The other problem is that even once people become thirsty, people will often drink a whole bunch of water all at once (they chug, chug, chug). If you try to drink a large amount of water all at once, your kidneys will simply flush the excess fluid by sending you straight to the bathroom (and hopefully you make it on time). 

As thirst can be unreliable, it's better to drink regular amounts of fluid throughout the day (and if you are going to be working out, in the sun, etc... drinking water frequently during that period). One good way to remember to drink is to find a cool (as in one you like - like the ones I have below) water bottle and each morning simply fill up the water bottle. Then you just make sure that between each meal (or if you forget to eat at least by the end of the day) to empty the bottle (by drinking it of course). By doing this, you won't forget how much you've already had to drink each day. Do the same for your children (because they won't understand to keep track themselves. Remember: If they're thirsty, they're already dehydrated).

There are a lot of things you may forget in like (birthdays, anniversaries, to mow the lawn) but remember, Don't Forget To Hydrate.

Daily Drinker

Athlete on the Go

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Surviving the Hunger Games

So one of my wife and I's favorite movie is The Hunger Games. I was excited to see that it is now available on my amazon.com prime membership. I watched it while running on the treadmill the first day it was available. As I watched it, there was an interesting quote that caught my attention. On the tributes first day of training, they were informed that:

"In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead, one of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days. Particularly to what I'm about to say. First; no fighting with the other tributes, you'll have plenty of time for that at the arena. There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes, ten percent from infection, twenty percent from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife."

Here is a link to a fan's recreation Katniss's dehydration experience in The Hunger Games from the book. Enjoy!


I thought it was interesting that even a movie/book such as The Hunger games recognizes the importance of keeping hydrated. The more I pay attention the more I recognize just how important paying attention to your hydration is. Whether you are running, working from a desk, or competing in The Hunger Games, staying hydrated can make a difference in your life. 

So as always don't forget to Hydrate!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Running, Swimming & Water Bottles

Last week I went running for the first time in a long time. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect for a good run. What a nice break that run was. I felt so good for the rest of the day. I was definitely sore though, as any runner will understand if they haven't run for a few weeks or days. I made sure to properly hydrate during the morning hours because I knew my afternoon run would be much more enjoyable if I was hydrated. I also made sure to drink lots of water after my run because I knew this was decrease my sore muscles. I look forward to the coming days of Spring and Summer when I can have many more good runs. There is something that just feels so wonderful about a good run. 

Devin and I after a 10K many years ago...

Today I took my kids swimming at an indoor kiddie pool. It was such a blast. My little boy loved jumping in the water. Isn't it amazing how much water affects us. What would our world be like if we couldn't ever go swimming. What a sad world that would be. I hope my children grow up to enjoy swimming and maybe even join their swim teams when they are in high school. I can't wait until they are old enough to take swimming lessons. I am so grateful for my children's healthy bodies and that they are able to use their bodies to play and learn. Part of them staying healthy is keeping them hydrated. Thank goodness my little two year old loves to drink water. 

Speaking of my little boy drinking water. For Easter yesterday the Easter Bunny brought him a new water bottle. It is the coolest big boy water bottle ever. Here is a link to the water bottle I bought him:
It is a Nalgene Grip n' Gulp water bottle. It is made for little kids. How cool is that! I just absolutely love it and he does too. Nalgene bottles are just about the coolest water bottles in the world. They are pretty much indestructible. I learned this while experimenting at a scout ranch I worked at after throwing a Nalgene bottle off of a cliff and then retrieving the bottle. It had a few scratches here and there, but other than that it was unharmed. Now my little boy can stay hydrated and feel like a big boy doing it. Bye bye baby sippy cups.

Nalgene, love this brand of water bottles.

Cool new big boy water bottle.

One of the most gratifying experiences

One of the most gratifying experiences of my life has been the births of my two children. It has been equally rewarding as they continue to grow to see them experience new things like learning to crawl, taking their first step, and saying their first word. As they learn and grow it is rewarding to see how they progress and mimic what I do (recently I taught my son how to do a knuckle bump and say what's happening dude).

In additional the the gratification from being a parent, there is also a weight you feel when you raise children. I are always worried about their well-being. The first time they get sick you are worried if they will get better, and call the doctor at the drop of a hat. I remember the first time my 2 year old held his breath when he got mad till he passed out, my wife and I almost had a heart attach.

As I continue to learn about hydration and its effects, I also worry about my kids staying hydrated. Kids can lose a large amounts of fluid through fever (more water evaporates from the body when body temperature is increased), diarrheavomiting, running around, or just being outside a lot. Children are also much more likely to become dehydrated than adults because they lose fluids at a quicker rate. 

One problem with kids becoming dehydrated is that kids are less likely to recognize they are dehydrated, Additionally, the effects of dehydration are not apparent to parents until the kids are severely dehydrated. 

In trying to keep my kids hydrated I have found several helpful tips to share. These tips include:
  1. Watch for the early sign of dehydration
  2. If you kids get sick make sure to start hydrating them early
  3. As the summer arrives, acclimate them to the heat
  4. Always make sure to have water around for them to drink
  5. Know what the weather is suppose to be like, and plan accordingly
The best tip is to watch your kids closely as it get hot out and notice if they are acting funny. 

As kids need caring for, please make sure to watch out for your kids and keep them hydrated.

As always, Don't forget to Hydrate!