Thursday, March 28, 2013

Staying Hydrated Means a Happy Mama

I'm the wife in this 2 person hydration crew. I'd like to share why I feel good when I'm hydrated. Taking care of my 2 kids can be physically and emotionally draining. As much as I love them, sometimes the poopy diapers and the constant begging for my attention can be too much for me to handle. I find the days that I don't feel my best physically are the days that I lose my patience a lot more, especially with my 2 year old. How do I feel my best physically? Let me tell you, getting lots of sleep, eating healthy foods and you guessed it, staying properly hydrated. If I don't drink enough water there is no way I'll make it through the day without being mom-zilla. Staying hydrated for me means starting out my day with drinking lots of water, before I even get the daily chores started. This starts me on a path of feeling good all day. I'm able to get all the things done that I need to and still be nice to my kids. You should try it. Drinking enough water= a happy mama. The end!

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