Friday, March 29, 2013

Man I'm Tired

Sometimes when I work out it seems like I am beat before I even start working out. I typically going running 6 days a week (taking a break on Sundays). I usually run 7-10 miles a day. Usually when I go for a run it is a nice time to relax, forget about my law school readings, and enjoy listening to a good podcast (I recommend Dave Ramsey's podcast).

However, yesterday when I went out for a run, I was tired before I even got going. Want to guess why?  If you guess that I was dehydrated you'd be right. Somedays when I get busy with class, working from home, and spending time with the family I don't have time to drink much or I don't have water with me. By the time I got around to my evening run, I hadn't drank anything for hours. So when I went to go run it was more like I had just finished the run rather than beginning it. 

Why was I so tired? There is a direct correlation between physical performance and hydration. When I start workouts already dehydrated it is like running on empty because I body is lacking the fuel to perform. In understanding the correlation between performance and hydration I have looked at several research studies. However, most of the studies are hard to understand and take a while to read. To help remind me to stay hydrated, I created a simple to understand chart. Hopefully it helps everyone to remember to begin every workout hydrated. 

Good luck and remember stay hydrated!

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